Fright on State - Comedy on State - Madison's Local Comedy Club
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Fright on State

*No reservations, walk up only

*Sign up to perform will be available 12pm – 7pm on 10/31/24*

Get your freak on at our Halloween open mic! Costumes encouraged! Costume contest with crowd favorite vote, prize(s) TBD!
No reservations, walk up only

Thursday, October 31st | Doors at 7:30 p.m. | Admission: $5 at door

Drink Specials:
$3 PBR Tall Boys
$3 Tullamore D.E.W.
$4 Vodka Mixers
$5 Long Islands
$5 Frozen Special (varies)
$6 Craft Beer Special (varies)

*Please note; no backpacks allowed*

How do I sign up to perform?
Sign up is available 12pm- 7pm on Thursday, 10/31/24 and is now ONLINE ONLY. Please note that signing up does not guarantee a spot on the show. We usually have around 40-50 comedians sign up every week with hopes of getting one of the 20 available spots.

When will I know if I’m performing?
List of performers is put out promptly at 8:30pm. This list is not posted online. You must be present to find out if you are performing.

How long is each set?
Sets are 3-5 minutes in length. Most sets are 3 minutes long.

Is there a 2 beverage minimum for the Open Mic?
Nope! The Mic is different from our regular weekly shows so there is no beverage minimum. We do still have full bar service!

Can I make a reservation to hold spots?
Unfortunately, no. All seats are first come first serve. We recommend arriving early to guarantee a spot in the showroom.

Curious about other Open Mics and events? Check out
Any other questions call us at 608-256-0099 or email